0MMO / WooMapper 1.5 - WordPress Plugin, Display WooCommerce Products, Add Pins To Images, Shop With Style

WooMapper 1.5 - WordPress Plugin, Display WooCommerce Products, Add Pins To Images, Shop With Style

WooMapper 1.5 - WordPress Plugin, Display WooCommerce Products, Add Pins To Images, Shop With Style

Add Pins to images and link them directly to your WooCommerce products with cool animations and awesome functionality. Free WooMapper  wordpress plugin is insanely customizable. WooMapper wp plugin is a simple and creative solution for presenting your WooCommerce products. Packed with tons of options ranging from "Auto-complete product adding" to tons of CSS and functionality settings, WooMapper can be a handy tool for your customers. We have prepared 8 different examples of how you can use Free WooMapper wp plugin for your next clothing shop, food shop, furniture shop, office shop, consumer electronics shop, IT equipment shop, sport gear shop, gift shop.


WooMapper 1.5 - WordPress Plugin, Display WooCommerce Products, Add Pins To Images, Shop With Style

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12-03-2017, 04:24
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