0MMO / AdSparo



What is Adsparo ?

Adsparo - The Best Free Ad spy tool for Facebook Ads Library to find your Next winning product!, filter AdLibrary , Search, save trending ads…
The Best Free Ad spy tool for Facebook Ads Library to find your Next winning product!, filter AdLibrary , Search, save trending ads automatically.

★ Spy on your competitors.
★ Shows Only Top ads, Provide a lot of value-adding features to AdLibrary.
★ Filter ads by total Adsets, By Page, by Date, Ad copy, website link ...
★ Save Ads
★ Find competitors’ ads quickly
** Keep scrolling, Searching in your AdLibrary Page to hunt more trending Ads**
** Enable Auto Load to load ads.
Searching on Ad library is very time consuming, since it doesn’t offer enough filters, We used to scroll hours to find some winning ads, Fortunately, AdSparo provides a more convenient and time-saving function to Filter and directly finding Top competitors' Ads & Get inspired faster by your favorite brands,
So all you need is to activate Adsparo Turbo Ad Finder to aggregate and add more ads to your collected ads list.
Adsparo can collect ads you care about, Users of facebook Ad Library can only search and view the current information, but with Adsparo you can see the history data of all collected Ads.
Our extension does NOT belong to or related to the official Facebook application/ website in any way. It is an unofficial extension that was developed and maintained independently. All the guidelines for Facebook's assets and branding use can be found here:
We hope this extension is useful for marketers or anyone looking to learn more about Facebook Ads. We welcome any feedback and intend to improve the extension and add functionality over time.

Adsparo Features

FE - Adsparo Pro - $69.95

Adsparo – How Does It Work ?

Adsparo uses AI to scan, search, and filter Facebook's ad library and database based on proven winning ad metrics making your product research as efficient as possible while helping you discover your next winning product.

Adsparo – Who should use it?

Adsparo is a programmatic advertising platform that allows advertisers to reach their target audience by displaying ads on various websites and applications. It is suitable for businesses of all sizes that want to increase their online presence and drive traffic to their website. Adsparo offers advanced targeting features such as geo, language, OS, browser, sites, device, and many more to help advertisers reach their desired audience. Additionally, Adsparo provides a free Ad spy tool for Facebook Ads Library to find your next winning product, filter AdLibrary, search, and save trending ads automatically. It also allows you to spy on your competitors and shows only top ads. Adsparo is a useful tool for marketers or anyone looking to learn more about Facebook Ads

Adsparo – Conclusion

In conclusion, Adsparo is a powerful tool designed to assist marketers and businesses in their online advertising endeavors. It offers a range of features that make it easier to spy on competitors, find winning products, and analyze advertising trends on platforms like Facebook. By using AI to scan and filter Facebook's ad library, Adsparo streamlines product research and helps users discover their next successful campaign.

With its advanced targeting options and the ability to view website traffic, Adsparo caters to businesses of all sizes looking to boost their online presence and drive traffic to their websites. The tool's Chrome extension, ad copy generation through AI, and various filtering options make it a valuable asset for marketers seeking to gain insights and inspiration from top-performing ads.

Overall, Adsparo is a versatile tool that can benefit anyone interested in Facebook Ads and programmatic advertising. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, Adsparo can help you stay ahead of the competition and find success in the world of online advertising.

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31-10-2023, 04:51
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