0MMO / Waalaxy Business Plan LTD

Waalaxy Business Plan LTD

Waalaxy Business Plan LTD

What is Waalaxy ?

Waalaxy is a tool that lets you use LinkedIn and email to automate lead generation and messaging, plus monitor your team’s performance. With Walaaxy, you can generate hundreds of prospects per week with LinkedIn and email. Just download the tool on the Google Chrome Store and it’ll automatically sync with your LinkedIn account. Then import leads via LinkedIn Search,

LinkedIn Sales Navigator, or through a CSV file. Next, you’ll get direct access to your prospects' relevant information and find out their occupation, company, and location with the click of a button. While LinkedIn’s invite quota is limited to 100 per week, Walaaxy lets you send up to 700 invitations a week to prospects.


FE - Waalaxy Business Plan LTD - $179

Waalaxy Business Plan LTD
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2-04-2022, 10:04
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