• GB Name : Soleadify Annual
  • OS :  Anything
  • Type :  B2B lead generation software
  • GB Price :  $588
  • GB Cost :  $49/12 Peoples + $9 Fee
  • GB Joined : 9/12 Peoples
  • GB Status : Going
  • Homepage : JV Page

What is Soleadify ?

Soleadify is a B2B lead generation software that provides you the tools you need to find leads based on your criteria. This platform enriches your list of businesses and websites with the information you need to conduct cold calls and emails, as well as marketing campaigns and social media prospecting.

You can take advantage of Soleadify's machine learning technology to find prospects for various businesses, including SEO and web development agencies, B2B SaaS companies, and lead generation and sales development agencies. Whether you're looking for local or international companies, this platform can help your sales team collect the data they need to drive company growth and profit.

Soleadify comes equipped with extensive filters like business categories, location, and company size. This platform also takes website screenshots to give you and your team insight into what the companies are about.