• GB Name : Leadsensationz + OTOs
  • Version : Last
  • OS : Webbase
  • Type : Local Lead Software
  • GB Price : $27(FE) + $67 (OTO1) + $97 (OTO2) + $197 (OTO3) = $388
  • GB Cost : 19.5$/20 Peoples +1$ Fee
  • GB Joined : 19/20 Peoples
  • GB Status : Delivered
  • Homepage : SalePage

What is Leadsensationz ?

Detailed Website Analysis Gives You the Power to Close Deals with Clients Fast and Easy!

Leadsensationz gives you the power to analyze any business and their website and provide detailed information on how they can improve for better site traffic and function.

The software searches any area you input for a particular niche and list all business establishments with their website and contact information.

The user can then generate and html analysis of the business’s website and initiate a contact with the business establishment for a proposal on how to improve their site and in turn improve online presence.